Parent Policy Statement


We are open Monday to Friday all year round, except for public holidays.

Children 3 months – 22 months                                             7:00 am – 5:30 pm

Children 2 to 5/6 years (PreK – Kindergarten)                       7:30 am – 2:00 pm

Our After-school programs start at 2:30 pm and runs through till 5:30 pm.

NOTE: Late pick up of your child will attract charges of N5,000 for every half hour.

Please note that our closing times are subject to change in the event of unforeseen circumstances or emergencies that may cause us to keep the children away from the Centre for the stated period. However, prior notice will be given in writing, verbally, or via SMS.



  •  We take care of children from 12 weeks of age to 6 year olds in developmentally appropriate spaces from nursery to classrooms as well as offering expansive outdoor and indoor play areas. Our daily interactions and activities are based on age-appropriate developmental expectations and individual goals established for each child in conjunction with the family.
  • Daily and weekly activity and performance summaries will be available in the classroom.
  • Menus and activity plans will be posted for each classroom. Activity  schedules will include any planned video/movie presentations with notation of ratings when applicable.
  • Administrative and classroom staff will always be available whenever you have questions, compliments or concerns. Parents can expect to receive daily verbal and/or written information regarding their child’s experiences. Conversation with the classroom staff at arrival and departure are casual but important opportunities to share your child’s and parental expectations.
  • Parents and family members will occasionally be invited to participate in educational and awareness meetings on topics relevant to families and children, including, but not limited to child abuse prevention and recognition.



A completed application form and non-refundable registration fee of N5,000 is required to begin the admissions process. Upon admission, parents are required to provide a photocopy of your child’s birth certificate and a copy of an up-to-date immunization record for your child/ward.

Parents will be requested to complete registration forms that provide contact and emergency information as well as information on their child’s unique needs, expectations and issues to address in the transition. This is intended to be the beginning of a dialogue between staff and family that continues throughout your child’s stay in the Centre.


Fees and Tuition are payable in advance and due in full at the beginning of each quarter, or the first working day of the month- this depends on the payment option chosen by parent. (Contact the front desk officer for more information on payment options). Payments can be made by bank deposits to our designated banks, online transfers or direct transactions on our POS. Proof of payment is always required no matter what form of payment is used, and should be made available to the Admin/Finance department. Please note that all payments made are non-refundable. Cash is not an acceptable form of payment at our centre. Parents will be notified when payments are approaching due date (two (2) weeks before) past the due. If an account is two weeks past due, parents may be asked to keep their child at home until their outstanding payments have been made. If payment is still not made two weeks after that (four weeks past due), it will be assumed that the child has been cancelled from the program.



The Centre requires at least two weeks’ notice for plans to withdraw your child from the program, in writing.

The Centre reserves the right to withdraw a child from the program if:

  • In the judgement of the classroom/administrative staff, the child is at risk
  • The child places others at risk of harm due to physical or behavioural conditions that are beyond the control of the Centre
  • After reminders, the parents do not meet up with the payment of fees
  • Parents show no remorse for unruly behaviour of their ward
  • Parents display unruly behaviour within the premises

Inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated by Management. All and any complaints or concerns should be directed to the Head/Centre Supervisor in a civil manner for constructive resolutions.

The centre’s decision to withdraw any child or cancel their enrolment will only be taken after efforts have been made to resolve any issues and will only be a last resort.


The Centre is open Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. A sign-in and sign-out sheet maintained by the front desk officer must be signed when the child is transferred into or out of our care.

Children will only be allowed to leave the facility with the parent(s) or authorised adults specified on the pick-up list in the registration forms. If an adult other than those specified arrives to pick up the child, the child will not be allowed to leave the premises except in emergency circumstances with specific, documented parent approval and proper proof of identity of other designated adults.

Late Pick Up

 The Centre is open from 7:00am to 5:30pm after which we close for the day.  If a child is picked up after 2:00 pm  (for the PreK to Kindergarten children) or 5:30 pm (for the infants and After school children), a late pick-up charge of N5,000 per half hour (or N169 per minute) will apply.

Notice of Absence or Late Arrival

Parents are requested to inform teachers as soon as possible of plans to be absent. In the case of an unplanned absence or a late arrival, parents are expected to inform the centre before 10 AM.

Children who arrive after 10 am without prior notice may not be included in the lunch count for prepared meals.

Settling – In (optional)

Babies and toddlers who have just been enrolled into our centre need to be calm and feel safe after drop off and so, we allow for a 3 days settling- in for both parent and child.

Day 1 – A settling-in duration of 1hour (30 minutes with child in child’s room/learning room and the remaining 30minutes outside learning room but within premises).

Day 2 – A 30 minutes settling-in duration (15 minutes with child and 15 minutes within premises)

Day 3 – This would be the last day for both Parent and child to settle in.


Children are never spanked, humiliated, or embarrassed. If the behaviour persists, the teachers will examine the environment and the events which surround the behaviour. Through observation and discussion, teachers will decide the most appropriate way of dealing with the situation. Parents will also be asked to share their ways of dealing with difficult situations specific to their child. The application of discipline is recognised as an important teaching and learning opportunity. Methods of discipline used include:

  • Reinforcing acceptable behaviour (I like the way you are climbing).
  • Reasoning (when you run inside you may fall down).
  • Removal from an activity with redirection (when you hit someone with a block, you can’t play with blocks).
  • Taking away privileges if close to the time the inappropriate behaviour occurred.
  • One on one attention, separated from the group until self-control is achieved

Rewards may occasionally be used to reinforce positive behaviour (e.g. stickers and stars, praise, being a helper). Food or any other basic needs will never be used as part of any disciplinary action. Corporal punishment in any form is not used under any circumstances.


All children need at least one complete change of clothing at the Centre. As the weather changes, please check and change the outfits. The younger children may need several changes of clothing each day, especially those involved in potty training.  

You may bring in a large supply of disposable diapers for your child. Our care givers will note on the daily report form when your supply is running low.

Personal Belongings

The Centre provides sheets and blankets for both cots and cribs. If your child has a favourite sleep toy or any other comfort toy, please notify us during the admission process. Toys from home are not allowed into the centre. Please label all items brought to school.

We ask that children not bring the following items to the Centre:

  • Toys or toy weapons of any type
  • Money
  • Gum, candy
  • Cosmetics
  • Jewellery



If a child becomes ill or injured while in our care, every possible effort will be made to contact parents or other designated emergency contacts. With your signed consent, we will administer first aid, and involve qualified medical personnel when considered necessary.

  • Our programs will not keep actively sick children, and it is the parent’s responsibility to make alternative arrangements in the event of illness. A sick child must be picked up within an hour from the time a parent is called.
  • A written statement of good health from your child’s paediatrician will be required in order to return when:
    1. A child has had a diagnosed communicable disease. We do not require a statement when a child has had chicken pox but we will do a visual check to make sure that all the pox are dried.
    2. A child has undergone surgery or has been hospitalised.

Please do not bring a contagious child into the program when picking up a sibling. If your child becomes sick over the weekend or in the evening, please call and let your child’s teacher/care-giver know that his/her absence is due to illness. See below for more information and clarifications:



Return Policy

Chicken Pox Return when poxes are dry and crusted
Diarrhoea Return when symptom free 24 hours
Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease Return with MD statement approving return
Influenza (Flu) Return when symptom free 24 hours
Pharyngitis, Viral Return when symptom free for 24 hours
Pneumonia, bacterial Return with Medical statement
Ringworm Return with treatment
Respiratory Virus Return when fever free for 24 hours.
Scabies Return with MD statement of treatment
Strep Throat Return 24 hours after antibiotic treatment begins



If you wish to celebrate your child’s birthday at the Centre, please discuss your plans with the child’s teacher/care giver so that you can be advised of any food allergies or scheduling conflicts. Your child’s birthday may be celebrated in the classroom during afternoon snack time.

You may provide party packs, napkins, plates, and cups if you wish. Please discuss specific plans with your child’s teacher/care giver.

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